Adopted!!!! Elvis Needs a Home

Elvis is cat, kid and dog friendly!

What is your name? Elvis

How old are you? Almost 6 months

How much do you weigh? 35lbs and growing!

What breed are you? American Bully

What do you look like? Fabulous. I have big adorable paws and am mostly grey w/ some white. My eyes are bright green. Foster mom says my funny lip makes me even more adorable than most!

What do you like to eat? I’d prefer peanut butter and banana sandwiches but apparently that is not acceptable. I will stick with a good large breed puppy food and healthy treats.
Currently I enjoy Fruitable treats after I go outside and do my business and at bed time I get a kong w/ frozen peanut butter in it.

What kind of personality do you have? If all is calm I kind of like to just chill next to my family, dogs and people. If its party time, I like to rock and roll. I play well w/ others and like the occasional zoomy in the yard. I am very sweet and love people, not shy at all but I am not normally a dog who will be all over you all the time. I like affection but am not pushy.

Describe your perfect day: I am easy, food, yard time, maybe a walk so I can sniff.

What is your favorite toy? Shoes, oops, said that out loud huh, disregard! Typical toys, balls, frisbees, chew toys, I try to find sticks and get them taken away.

Do you know any tricks? Is handsome a trick? I sit, other than that I am a work in progress.

What scares you? Nothing yet that I have found. Not even fireworks

Have you been around children? Do you like them? I went to a concert at a Brewery and met quite a few big and small. I would likely do well in a home with kids of all sizes. I am not pushy or mouthy.

Do you like cats? I stayed at a friends house with a cat and was fine, it didn’t want to play and that’s ok, I can take a hint.

How do you feel about other dogs? Other dogs are awesome!! I have done well with small dogs, puppies and large dogs. When I bother my big foster bro too much he lets me know and I leave him be. I roll over and show my tummy.

If you could be anywhere in the world, where would it be? Just hanging out with my fam.

How is your health? I am a healthy growing puppy. My cleft hasn’t caused me issues eating or slowed me down.

Who do you live with your foster home and who is your closest companion? I live with my foster mom and dad and lots of furry foster siblings. I love them all equally!

Where do you hang out when you are home alone? I stay in my crate, I have one for day time and one for bedtime.

Where do you sleep? I sleep in my crate in my foster parents room. I don’t make a peep after bedtime, I am a good sleeper.

Do you like walking on a leash? I love it. I am still working on the zig zags but I have been on 4-5 long walks since I got vaccinated and have done great, very easy to walk. One day there was a parade and every person wanted to pet me as I walked by. I was a star!!!!

Do you have any "not-so-great" habits that we should know about? For instance, do you bark or dig in the yard? Well, I am pretty good and I am not just saying that, but hello, I am a puppy! Puppies chew on things – maybe the occasional shoe. The good news is I will likely grow out of that and if you aren’t home just put me in my cozy crate.

I don’t bark too much in general but if you are home and put me in my crate I may cry for a bit if I can see you lurking around doing fun things w/o me.

Are you house trained? (Meaning do you go potty outside) Yes, I am but will still need a routine until I am more grown up.

Do you like water? I like to drink it and can handle a warm bath but I don’t jump in our kiddie pool like the other dogs do.

What do you love about your foster family? Everything! I get 2-3 square meals a day, they let me hang on the couch when they are home and life is good.

What was your life like before NBBR took you in? The past is the past….time for my new forever home. Let’s focus on that.

Thank you, thank you very much……. (had to do it !)

***Elvis’s adoption fee is $500***

If you are interested in Elvis please jump on our website and fill out an adoption application -


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